UFPLS calculator


This calculator will show the estimated income from a part crystallised pension and selecting an “Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS)” income option on retirement. We create these calculators for our students and their studies. The accuracy of these tools should not be used to make financial decisions. Clarity Financial Training Ltd will not be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information given by these online tools.

Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS)

Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS) is an unsecured pension option on retirement. It is a higher risk strategy as the pension remains invested and can continue to fluctuate. Only part of the pension is crystallised (can select any amount up to 100%). Part of the income taken (25% – maximum tax free lump sum is £268,275) is tax free and the rest of the income is taxed at their highest marginal rate. The remaining fund remains invested and is treated as uncrystallised. The retiree can choose to take income from the fund or income and capital. Please note by taking capital the fund value will deplete. Ideal for those that want control and flexibility on the amount of income taken, also they do not need access to the PCLS all in one go. The capital remains invested and can fluctuate, there will also be ongoing charges.

Calculator fields

  • Yield: Please select the yield of the fund. This is the growth generated from the assets.
  • Annual Management Charge (AMC): This is the annual charge deducted from income from the fund assets.
  • Capital withdrawal: Please select the percentage of capital to be withdrawn. Note if capital is withdrawn it will reduce the yield and the value of the remaining fund.
  • Income options:
    • Income only: Only income from the assets are taken to provide an income. The remaining fund will continue to be invested and is treated as uncrystallised. The value can rise and fall. There is no guarantee that the value will be maintained. 25% of the income is tax free and the remaining income is taxed at the annuitants marginal rate.
    • Income and capital: Income from the assets plus a capital withdrawal. Provides a higher level of income, however high percentage withdrawals will reduce the remaining fund and may run out. The remaining fund will continue to be invested and is treated as uncrystallised. The value can rise and fall. There is no guarantee that the value will be maintained. 25% of the income is tax free and the remaining income is taxed at the annuitants marginal rate.
Value of pensioni
Annual management chargesi
Capital withdrawal i

Income results

Income onlyi
Tax free incomei
Taxed incomei
Remaining fundi
Income and capitali
Tax free incomei
Taxed incomei
Remaining fundi
Growth requiredi